I hold the Marie and Alain Philippson Chair of Global Entrepreneurship at Solvay Brussels School jointly with a Distinguished Haas Entrepreneurship Faculty Fellowship at University of California, Berkeley. I am also Mizuho Securities Endowment Visiting Professor of Venture Capital at Kyoto University. During the past two decades, I have held multiple academic, executive, and policy-related positions including at Harvard Business School, Harvard Kennedy School, MIT Sloan School, UC Berkeley, and NBER. Much of my work examines the ways in which financial intermediaries and institutional organizations impact the nature of innovation and entrepreneurship. I also work with companies and governments worldwide on the development of new ventures and transformations for sustainable growth. Earlier in my career, I was founding Chair & CEO of Bilkent Technology, Healthcare, and Power Group. I have served as director, advisor, trustee, and as board member at several companies and non-profit organizations. I was awarded a Harvard University Fellowship to conduct my doctoral and post-doctoral studies jointly at Harvard Kennedy School and Harvard Business School.


Harvard University
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  • UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY | Haas School of Business –  Director of Global Initiatives
  • NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH (NBER) –  Innovation Policy and the Economy Research Fellow
  • MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (MIT) | Sloan School of Management –  Senior Lecturer; Lecturer; Research Fellow
  • HARVARD UNIVERSITY | Harvard Business School (HBS) –  Visiting Scholar; Research Fellow; Research Associate
  • HARVARD UNIVERSITY | Harvard Kennedy School (HKS)
    Founder, Director | Project on Technological Innovation in Turkiye
    Research Fellow | Science, Technology and Public Policy Program
    Research Follow | International Security Program
    Research Fellow | Dubai Initiative
  • U.S. CENSUS BUREAU – Research Fellow | Center for Economic Growth
  • BILKENT UNIVERSITY – Trustee, Board of Trustees
    Bilkent is a top-tier university in Turkey. w3.bilkent.edu.tr
  • UNICEF – Member of the UNICEF Turkish National Assembly
  • TUSIAD (TURKISH BUSINESS ROUNDTABLE) – Chairman of the Social Affairs Committee & Executive Board Member
    TUSIAD is a leading NGO dedicated promoting public welfare through private enterprise. www.tusiad.org
  • OECD – Member, OECD Corporate Governance Working Group MENA Task Force
    • First private energy co-generation facility in Turkiye, Bil-Enerji–a Rolls-Royce Power Ventures JV. (See, Harvard Business School publication for details, www.hbs.edu
    • First organ transplantation university hospital in Turkiye at Antalya—a turn-key finance, build, own, and operate university hospital complex in Antalya.
  • ECZACIBASI HOLDING, INC. – Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee; Member of the Board of Directors
    A prominent group of companies with global brands in building materials, healthcare and FMCG. www.eczacibasi.com.tr
  • AKSA ACRYLIC, INC. – Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee; Chairman of the Risk Assessment Committee; Member of the Board of Directors
    World’s largest producer of acrylic fibers. AJV partner of Dow Chemical to manufacture industrial carbon fibers (DowAksa). www.aksa.com
  • ORGANIK HOLDING, INC. – Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee; Vice Chairman of Investment Committee; Member of the Board of Directors
    Organic Group is a specialty chemicals with manufacturing facilities in the Netherlands, Switzerland, and Turkey. organikholding.com
  • HARVARD KENNEDY SCHOOL GLOBAL ACTION INSTITUTE: Arab and American Dialogue Forum – Chair, Young Arab Leaders Global Action Study Group            
  • HEALTH AND EDUCATION FOUNDATION OF TURKIYE (SEV) – Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Publishing Group
    SEV Foundation overseas top-tier institutions established by the American Board Committee in 1820—one of the oldest American schools and publishing houses established outside the USA. www.sev.org.tr
  • EUREKA – Advisory Board Member
    EUREKA—an intergovernmental, European Commission, network to support market-oriented R&D and innovation projects by industry, research centers and universities across all technological sectors—Turkish Chair Venture Forum.
  • KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY NETWORK (KEN) – Advisory Board Member
    KEN— a Slovenian Government Office for Governance and Regional Policy initiative in Brussels
  • Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Belgium
    • Global Entrepreneurship: I launched this core course, offered at MBA/EMBA degree programs, to provide the skills and competencies to turn entrepreneurial choices into successful international ventures. Best Teacher Awards.
    • Silicon Valley Immersion Week: I launched this experience-in-learning course for Solvay MBA/EMBA students to strengthen School’s global footprint, its entrepreneurial focus, and open the doors to Silicon Valley.
    • Entrepreneurship: GEST-S706: This elective course is offered at MSG degree program and aims to provide the basic skills and competencies to turn entrepreneurial choices into successful international ventures.
  • Kyoto University, Graduate School of Management, Japan
    • Global Leadership and Entrepreneurship: I launched this elective MBA/MS degree course to prepare future high-impact entrepreneurs and managers to build sustainable global ventures. Best Teacher Awards.
  • Babson College, USA
    • Driving Economic Growth Through Entrepreneurship: Teaching Faculty. Chair Prof. Dan Isenberg. This executive education course aims to provide public and private sector leaders the newest perspectives on entrepreneurship ecosystem development.
  • MIT Sloan School of Management, USA
    • Global Entrepreneurship (G-Lab) Teaching Faculty. Chair Prof. Simon Johnson. This flagship experience-in-learningMBA/MS course links teams of MIT Sloan MBAs with entrepreneurs in emerging markets. Best Teacher Award.
  • Harvard Business School, USA
    • Launching New Ventures: Guest Lecturer and Mentor. Chair Prof. Bill Kerr. This flagship HBS executive education course trains executives how to build a successful business by turning disruptive innovation into a competitive advantage.
    • Global Entrepreneurship: Guest Lecturer and Mentor. Chair Prof. Bill Kerr/Prof. Dan Isenberg. This elective HBS MBA/DBA course trains how to build a sustainable high growth and high impact global venture.
  • Stanford University
    • Entrepreneurship Without Borders: Guest Speaker and Mentor. Chair Prof. Chuck Easley. This MS degree course at Stanford University Management Science and Engineering aims to show how to create, fund, staff, and successfully run a high-tech venture outside the U.S.
  • The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) – Innovation Policy and the Economy Fellowship Award.
  • Harvard Kennedy School of Government – Belfer Center Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Fellowships and Grants.
  • Harvard Business School – Entrepreneurial Management Unit Research Fellowships and Awards.
  • Turkcell Telecommunications, Inc. – Management of Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Grant at Harvard University
  • Marie-Christine Adam Foundation –  Doctoral research grant, Centre Emile Bernheim.
  • Office of the Prime Minister, Region de Bruxelles-Capitale – Research grants to study early-stage financing of young innovative ventures.
  • Labor Regulations and European Venture Capital, with Bill Kerr, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Volume 23, Number 4, (2014).
  •  Who Funds Technology-Based Small Firms? Evidence from Belgium, with Bruno van Pottelsberghe, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Vol.17 (1), (2007).
  • Entrepreneurial Finance: Financing of Young Innovative Ventures, Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM Verlag Publishing, (2009).
  • Financing Entrepreneurship, with Philip Auerswald (eds.), Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, (2008).
  •  Labor Market Regulations and European Private Equity Investment, with William Kerr, in Scientific Proceedings of the European Productivity, edited by Pekka Malmberg, 165-172. Helsinki, Finland: Paintek Oy, (2007).
  • The Financial Architecture of Technology-Based Small Firms, with Bruno van Pottelsberghe, in Shaker Zahra et al. (eds.), Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, Chapter XIX Venture Capital and Angel Financing. Wellesley, USA: P&R Publishing, Babson College, (2005).
  • TA-Energy: A Bundle of International Partnerships, with William Kerr and Daniel Isenberg. Harvard Business School Publishing, #807175: Boston, (2007).
  • Surveying Technology-Based Small Firms: A Perspective from Belgium, with Bruno van Pottelsberghe, Proceedings of the 86th Applied Econometrics Association. Singapore: INSEAD, (2004).