Glenn Magerman obtained his Ph.D. in economics from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. He is Associate Professor of Economics at ECARES, Université libre de Bruxelles (with tenure), Research Affiliate at CEPR (trade and IO programs), and a Fellow at VIVES. He is also a Fulbright alumnus to Stanford University. His main research topics are production networks, trade, and industrial organization.


Glenn Magerman

Google Scholar



Associate Professor of Economics at the European Center for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics (ECARES), ULB

Member Taskforce National Bank of Belgium – collaboration on shared micro datasets

Faculty hiring committees (2021)

Bachelor program reform (2018–2019)

Workload management task force (2018)

  • Founder, open source collaborative research platform Learning from the curve
  • Selection Panel Fulbright Belgium-USA, Jury US grantees
  • Selection Panel Fulbright Belgium-USA, Jury Belgian grantees
  • Deputy Member, Scientific Committee at the Brussels Institute for Statistical Analysis
  • Founder, Otlet Salons – a bottom up approach to social innovation
  • Expert Culture, European Commission (EACEA)
  • collaborator on the BELSPO BE-PARADIS Grant on wealth inequality in Belgium (2020-2024)
  • Data Methods for Economists (PhD)
  • Reproducible Research, Python and Github (PhD)
  • Economics of European Integration (ECONS418)
  • Managerial Economics (ECONS462)
  • Introduction to Research Methods (ECONS302)
  1. Structural Identification of Productivity Under Biased Technological Change with Laurens Cherchye, Thomas Demuynck, Bram De Rock, Cedric Duprez and Marijn Verschelde
  2. Price Updating with Production Networks with Cedric Duprez
  3. Correspondences of EU Product Classifications with Cedric Duprez [Github]
  4. Heterogeneous Firms and the Micro Origins of Aggregate Fluctuations  with Karolien De Bruyne, Emmanuel Dhyne and Jan Van Hove [NBB WP Version][Vives Briefing (Dutch)][slides]
  5. The Belgian Production Network 2002-2012 with Emmanuel Dhyne and Stella Rubinova
    National Bank of Belgium Working Paper, No 288 (2015). (permanent WP) [Press release]
  • According to Google Scholar almost 350 citations and an H-index of 9
  • Grants: Remote referee European Research Council (ERC) (2016–now)
  • Member, Advisory Board for the Arts, Flemish Government (2012–2019)
  • His scientific works have been published in leading journals, such as Economic Journal, European Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of International Economics, Review of World Economics, The World Economy