Patrick Legros has a MA and “Doctorat de 3° cycle” in econometrics from Paris XII (1982) and a MSc and a PhD in Social Sciences from the California Institute of Technology (1986). He is a professor at ULB since 2000, was a visiting professor at different universities and Distinguished Professor of economics at Northeastern university (2016-20). His research focuses on the theory of incentives and organizations and on industrial organization.





Google Scholar

  • 1999-2004, Co-director of graduate studies for the Doctoral Program in Economics and Statistics
  • 2001-2004, Secretary, economics department,
  • 2001-2008, Director of Economic Research at the Institut d’Etudes Européennes,
  • 2009-2013, Co-Director of ECARES,
  • 2010_2013, President ECORE,
  • 2016-2020, Co-president, Econ P master.
  • 1999-2005 : Member of the scientific committee “Gouvernement d’entreprise”, Commissariat Général du Plan, France.
  • 2007-2020: Member, Oxera Economic Council.
  • 2013-2020: Member of the Economic Advisory Group on Competition Policy (EAGCP) at the European Commission.
  • Spring 2004, visiting professor of economics, Massachusetts Institute of Economics.
  • 2016-2020: Distinguished professor of economics, Northeastern university (part time).
  • 2020-present: senior academic affiliate, Positive Competition
  • Econ O502, European Competition Policy: Theory and Cases
  • Econ S431, Graduate microeconomics II
  • Econ S519, Graduate microeconomics III
  • Econ S451, Advanced industrial organization
  • 1989: Participant in the Review of Economic Studies European Meetings
  • 2001-2007: Associate editor, Economics Bulletin.
  • 2016-2020: Associate editor, Frontiers in medecine —- Regulatory Science
  • 2006-2013: Editor, Journal of Industrial Economics.
  • 2013-2022: Managing editor, Journal of Industrial Economics.
  • 1999-present: research fellow CEPR
  • 1996-present; research fellow ECARES
  • 2017: Sun Yefang Award for best research on China
  • 2015-2021: ERC Advanced Grant
  • Google Scholar : 3120, H-index: 22