Paola Conconi is a Professor of Economics at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, a member of the European Center for Advanced Research in Economics and Statistics (ECARES), and a Research Associate of the Fund for Scientific Research (FNRS). She has a Ph.D in economics from the University of Warwick and her research focuses mainly on international trade, firm organisation and political economy. She has been awarded by the European Research Council (ERC) an Advanced Research Grant to fund her work on “Trade Agreements and Supply Chains.”


Paola Conconi

  • Member of the European Center for Advanced Research in Economicsand Statistics (ECARES)
  • “The Tyranny of the Single Minded: Guns, Environment, and Abortion” (with Laurent Bouton, Francisco Pino and Maurizio Zanardi), Review of Economics and Statistics 103 (2021), 48-59.
  • “Internalizing Global Value Chains: A Firm-Level Analysis” (with Laura Alfaro, Pol Antras, and Davin Chor), Journal of Political Economy127 (2019), 508-559. Online Appendix. Featured in a column on VoxEU.
  • “From Final Goods to Inputs: The Protectionist Effect of Preferential Rules of Origin” (with Manuel García Santana, Laura Puccio, and Roberto Venturini), American Economic Review 108 (2018), 2335-2365.
  • “Do Prices Determine Vertical Integration?” (with Laura Alfaro, Harald Fadinger and Andrew Newman), Review of Economic Studies 83 (2016), 1-35 [Lead article].
  • “Lobbying on Deep Trade Policies: How Large Firms Buy Favorable Regulations” (with Michael Blanga-Gubbay, In Song Kim, and Mathieu Parenti). Featured in a column on VoxEU and in a CEPR e-book.
  • CESifo Research Fellow
  • CEP, London School of Economics, Research Associate
  • Associate Editor, Journal of International Economics, Review of International Economics, Economics and Politics, Economica
  • Editorial Advisory Board, The World Economy
  • ERC Advanced Research Grant (principal investigator)
  • RESPECT project funded by the European Commission (team leader)
  • Marie Curie ITN funded by the European Commission (team leader)
  • PEGGED research project funded by the European Commission (team leader)
  • Research grant by the National Bank of Belgium (principal investigator)
  • Fulbright Scholarship